Topic(s) addressed
- Creativity,
- Collaboration
- Ecological consciousness
- Social inclusion
Target groups
- Students, families and teachers,
- Local associations and educational and local authorities
- All the activities were embedded in the curriculum and mapped in the different subject areas (interdisciplinary work and the development of the key competencies).
- Cooperation between schools, within schools and with local associations was essential to develop the activities and extend the project to our communities.
- Students from all backgrounds worked together in collaborative groups.
- They took part in TwinSpace Challenges and in eTwinning video conferences.
- A whole school approach was needed to develop the project.
- The learning spaces were designed in order to promote peer interaction, collaboration and creativity connecting students and teachers in a meaningful way.
- Cross-sectoral cooperation was established with the local train track association, train museums, local libraries, Krakow’s University of Science and Technology and the refugees’ association Open Cultural Centre.
- Teachers from different areas shared their knowledge in order to reach the objectives.
- The train songs concert needed the collaboration of the music teachers and the e-train story had input from the language teachers.
- Teachers shared their skills and played a key role in developing collaborative learning. They exchanged their professional experience in peer learning developing new approaches and methodologies.
- Pupils gained knowledge of the partner countries and other cultures.
- They improved language and problem-solving skills, and knowledge of science, maths and art.
- Teachers learnt about other educational systems, became more competent with cooperative learning and incorporated good practices into their lessons.
- Our institutions improved the climate in schools.
- Stronger relationships developed between students and teachers.
- An increased number of families wanted to cooperate with all the schools.
- Strong links were created and kept with all partner schools and the local associations.
- Reference
- 2017-1-ES01-KA219-038105
- Project locations
- Spain
- Project category
- Primary education
- Project year
- 2022
Escola Joan Sanpera i Torras
- Address
- Spain
3rd Primary School of New Ionia
- Address
- Greece
Istituto Comprensivo Santa Margherita Ligure
- Address
- Italy
Jonavos Justino Vareikio progimnazija
- Address
- Lithuania
Szkola Podstawowa nr 86 im.
- Address
- Poland
Zakladna skola Jana Kollara
- Address
- Slovakia