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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Ready, Steady, Play! - Learning English through story-based free play

School: Oulun englanninkielinen leikkikoulu (English Speaking Playschool of Oulu)

Ready, Steady, Play! - Finland

Topic(s) addressed

  • Creativity: Storybooks and other materials were created in order to support children in learning English.

  • Learning together: Children learned English through stories and free play.

Target groups

Pupils, teachers, parents and guardians, and other educational professionals around Europe.


  • language learning through stories and free play

  • During the distance learning periods (due to Covid-19 pandemic), a series of virtual, interactive lessons were organised for children. 

  • Online tools, such as eTwinning, Padlet and Genially were used. 

  • Some of the activities were designed especially for eTwinning. eTwinning allowed cooperation also with older pupils and this way helped to broaden the target group


Learning environments used in the project: 

  • workshops and training sessions at schools for teachers 

  • online training sessions 

  • The materials created in the project, such as stories, inspired a wide variety of online activities in all of the partner schools to take part in.


Teachers participating in the project have used their skills and creativity when producing stories, lesson plans and other learning materials for pupils.


  • The materials created in the project support the learning of pupils and give ideas and inspiration not only to the participating schools but also wider public. 

  • The project has brought new dimensions to teaching and learning in participating organisations.

Project category
  • Early childhood education and care
Project year
  • 2022



Oulun englanninkielinen leikkikoulu (English Speaking Playschool of Oulu)


Kindcentrum Caleidoscoop


Colégio do Ave, SA
