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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Green Trends in Vocational Education in the South

School/Coordinator: Martin János Szakképző Iskola, Szakiskola és Készségfejlesztő Iskola

Green Trends in Vocational Education in the South - Hungary

Topic(s) addressed

  • Sustainability

  • Inclusion

Target groups

  • SEN students aged 16-26 y/o


  • The green approach as the main featurre- students working as carpenters and park caretakers

  • Maintaining Mediterranean gardens- planting and park designing

  • Studying farm building, automatised greenhouse system, operating a computer-controlled nutrient supply and automatised climate control and shading

  • The carpenters learnt how to use eco-friendly or recycled materials, made components of cork, and used natural materials for surface treatment.


  • Travelling abroad proved challenging for some students

  • However, the internships created a great opportunity for students to gain new professional skills


  • The teachers learnt:

  • new methodologies which, when used properly in SEN training, will reduce early school leaving

  • new technologies

  • using eco-friendly, natural materials

  • They developed outcome-oriented training programs for all professions

  • The crucial role of the teachers in the successful implementation if traineeships


  • Thematic days and weeks, career orientation programs and free-time activities as examples of the project outcome integrated into the school’s training programme

  • Students’ attitudes changing towards an environmentally conscious life of better quality. 

  • The companies in Portugal reported their students returning home as more direct, communicative, and confident in their fields and excellent team players

Project category
  • VET schools
Project year
  • 2022



Martin János Szakképző Iskola, Szakiskola és Készségfejlesztő Iskola


Associação Intercultural Amigos da Mobilidade
