Topic(s) addressed
Interdisciplinary approach- a bridge between science, technology and art (cinema)
Autonomy to address societal problems
ITC/video to leverage green and digital challenges to transform lives for the better
Target groups
40 students in each partner school
Pooling resources from across different subjects and relying on students’ own skills in problem-solving
Field research as a primary tool for obtaining information
Video report as a way to present solutions to the problems
A reference framework created to identify the operational objectives and priorities to improve the 8 basic skills indicated by the EU and to valorise non-academic skills: empathy, leadership, involvement, collaborative spirit and ITC
The transmission of knowledge is based more on the learners’ experiences shared in a wide context of international
The teacher gives the instructions and then validate the answers, but does not dictate the activity content.
Teachers perform role in collaboration with each other
Recycling of methods and knowledge is encouraged
The teachers had to prove their creativity while carrying out innovative workshops.
They had to show initiative and adaptability skills working across different subjects.
The project involved the whole school bringing together both teaching and administrative staff.
The project has produced sustainable results.
A spill-over effect was facilitated by students’ spontaneous decision to carry on with the production of the film The Ark which was completed despite the constraints caused by Covid-19 restrictions.
The project encouraged the inclusion of students with fewer opportunities.
- Reference
- 2017-1-FR01-KA219-037424
- Project locations
- France
- Project category
- Secondary education
- Project year
- 2022
Lycée Maurice Ravel in St Jean de Luz
- Address
- France
Agrupamento de escolas de Alcochete
- Address
- Portugal
Colegiul economic “Iulian Pop in Cluj-Napoca
- Address
- Romania
Veterinary High School “Prof. Dr. Georgi Pavlov” in Dobrich
- Address
- Bulgaria
Gesamtschule Eifel
- Address
- Germany