Topic(s) addressed
- Learning together- learning about entrepreneurship and becoming active in society
- Creativity- students were challenged to innovate.
Target groups
VET students
- An innovative methodology has been developed in which young people take the lead in the social issues of their region.
- The project and the tools that have been developed are a huge added value to what already exists in this field.
- The project was a unique multilevel and cross-sectoral collaboration between regions and on a European level.
- Innovation took place initiated and executed by students themselves.
- Throughout multilevel collaboration teachers were connected regionally and internationally and were able to learn from each other.
- They further developed their skills in entrepreneurship and were challenged to work innovatively using a method in which students were placed in the lead.
- The project had a significant impact at all levels within the institutions that formed the consortium.
- Not only the supervisors but especially the young participants themselves have shown that they have grown enormously in their social skills as entrepreneurs.
- The sustainable collaboration of students, educational institutes, regional social entrepreneurs and government created new infrastructures that allow young people to get involved and create an ongoing impact.
- They influenced the process of local /regional policy- and decision-making.
- Reference
- 2017-1-NL01-KA202-035245
- Project locations
- Netherlands
- Project category
- VET schools
- Project year
- 2022
Friesland College (Stichting voor algemeen voortgezet onderwijs, beroepsonderwijs en volwasseneneducatie)
- Address
- Netherlands
Hamburger Stiftung für Mirganten
- Address
- Germany
Verikom - Verbund für interkulturelle Kommunikation und Bildung e.v.
- Address
- Germany
Kauno sta tybos ir pa slaugu mo kymo centras
- Address
- Lithuania
INOVA+ - Innovation services, SA
- Address
- Portugal
Fundacio privada servei solidari per la inclusio social
- Address
- Spain
Bridging to the Future LTD
- Address
- United Kingdom