From Alcoy to Kutná Hora: European Heritage, knowledge society and sustainable tourism - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

From Alcoy to Kutná Hora: European Heritage, knowledge society and sustainable tourism

School: Cirkevni gymnazium


Topic(s) addressed

The project revolved around topics of innovation, technology and informatics.

Target group(s)

School teachers and students were the focus of all project activities.


An innovative multidisciplinary approach was adopted, which consists of organically connecting different subjects and teachers (language, foreign languages, media education, technology, history, art, etc.) based on three fundamental pillars: communicative competence, digital competence and knowledge of local cultural heritage. The eTwinning platform was a key resource for remote working in the project. They used many other digital resources for educational purposes (Kahoot!, Quizlet, etc.) or for project implementation.

Innovation environment

The participants worked not only in traditional classrooms but also in the computer room and similar spaces. IES Andreu Semper has a radio studio that was very useful for recording podcasts. The layout of the classrooms was adapted to different ways of working. As part of the project, they collaborated with various public and private institutions, especially those connected with local tourism. 

Teachers’ role

The teachers focused on innovation in relation to the three main pillars of the project. The use of new digital tools to implement the project was a great opportunity to innovate and introduce new ways of working in the classroom (creation of digital products, use of eTwinning platform) or to strengthen those already tried (use of Quizlet, Kahoot!, Classroom, etc.). The development of teachers' digital competencies provided them with the means to expand their didactic repertoire.

Impact and output

Because the final products are tourist leaflets, they contribute greatly to the direct dissemination of the project and thus to sustainable tourism in the regions. The leaflets were used to promote the local cultural heritage among tourists in cooperation with the Sedleck parish, the Kutnohorsk parish or the Consejería de Turismo de Alcoy. They were used to present school projects during open days. For the Czech school, the project was an opportunity to create accounts on Twitter and Instagram. Together with eTwinning, a blog was used as one of the forms of organizing work and disseminating the project.

Project category
  • Secondary education
Project year
  • 2023



Cirkevni gymnazium



IES Andreu Sempere
