Topic(s) addressed
The main topic of this project was the pursuit of wellbeing within the school community, with a focus on relationships between people, teaching and learning methods, and organisational procedures
Target group(s)
The target group consisted of 125 teachers, three headteachers, and two non-teaching staff.
The methods used are innovative and inclusive, in rejecting face-to-face lessons in favour of cooperation among pupils, negotiation and exchange of ideas, debate, and discussion. Lessons prove that learning activities can be carried out in any kind of environment, formal, informal, nonformal, or outdoors so that each student is active in their own learning. There was also collaboration with external stakeholders, including families, municipalities, agencies, and associations. Assessment is integral, providing constant feedback throughout.
Innovation environment
Participating schools could create open and flexible indoor and outdoor learning environments based on learning by doing. The learning approach is based on the use of sustainable resources that promote innovation and use multimedia technology as a learning tool. The project has succeeded in promoting wellbeing in the school, and creating a positive school climate, and has been implemented in innovative and inclusive environments.
Teachers’ role
The project’s focus on wellbeing improved teachers' knowledge and mastery in the use of innovative teaching methodologies through professional comparison and the exchange of good practices between colleagues within their home country and from exchanges with colleagues from the partner schools. The increased awareness of professionalism and competencies has positively affected the school climate, improving cooperation among teachers and promoting peer learning as a widespread teaching practice.
Impact and output
The impact of the project has spread among partner schools and stakeholders by improving sustainable wellbeing at the school. Innovative learning environments have been implemented as stimulating and pleasant spaces focused on wellbeing. The professionalism of teachers is valued and used as a driving force for student growth in learning and relationships. Inclusive teaching is used when each student is an agent of their own learning path and finds answers to their own educational needs.
- Reference
- 2020-1-IT02-KA101-078358
- Project locations
- Italy
- Project category
- Primary education
- Project year
- 2024
Ufficio Scolastico Regionale per la Toscana
- Address
- Italy
I.C. Grosseto 3
- Address
- Greece
I.C. Lastra a Signa
- Address
- Finland
I.C Levi Montalcini Campi Bisenzio
- Address
- Finland
I.C. Sestini Agliana
- Address
- Portugal