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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Achieve+ "Around Cultural Heritage Investigate European Values with Erasmus+"

School: Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães

Achieve+ "Around Cultural Heritage Investigate European Values with Erasmus+" - Portugal

Topic(s) addressed

  • The social and educational value of European heritage with a special focus on European architectural diversity
  • Historical personalities
  • Different cultures, tolerance and respect for other peoples and cultures
  • Sense of belonging to a common Europe; - Social, cultural and linguistic diversity

Target groups

  • 3000 students aged 11-15 (including students with learning difficulties, social and economic obstacles and immigrants)
  • 300 teachers.


  • Linking different subjects facilitated cross-curricular lessons.
  • A wide variety of skills was approached: logical thinking and problem solving, critical and creative thinking, information and communication, artistic and aesthetic sensitivity, language and text understanding. 
  • Several activities were started at school and concluded at home.
  • By creating and playing IT games (web 2.0 tools) and using the eTwinning pupils learnt in an informal way. 
  • All field trips were meant for on-site learning and became meaningful experiences. 
  • Most activities were carried out in collaboration with different stakeholders.
  • Students participated actively and monitored their learning process themselves.


  • Teachers developed, used and tested new learning scenarios, and Educational IT Games that promote the use of cultural heritage in learning environments. 
  • The cross-curricular learning was implemented to improve the learning experience and educational success.
  • The social and educational value of European cultural heritage was highlighted. 
  • Promoting the acquisition of skills and competencies and education open to innovation in a digital era
  • Highlighting the importance of cooperation with parents, local governments, libraries, and different local and national institutions 


  • Teachers attended training ( in Short Join Staff Training Events, participating in CLIL and Flexible Curriculum activities) on how to create learning scenarios using cultural heritage, testing them and integrating them into their classrooms.
  • They provided project activities at partners’ schools and took part in discussions, interviews and questionnaires. 
  • Teachers exchanged good practices by participating in workshops.


  • The project was implemented and disseminated using many ways, for instance: Achieve+ Days, project exhibitions and project workshops.
  • It reached a large target group including teachers and students also from other schools and workers from different institutions, parents, local governments, libraries and Route of Romanesque Centre. 
  • Dissemination means included also International Conference Achieve+, meetings, training, a school newspaper, press and school websites articles, a radio broadcast and a TV interview. 
  • Students, teachers and other participants got not only knowledge about cultural and architectural heritage diversity but also gained social and intercultural competencies. 
  • They learnt tolerance of other cultures, religions and languages. 
  • participants improved also their English and IT skills.
Project category
  • Secondary education
Project year
  • 2022



Agrupamento de Escolas de Idães


Gymnazium, Ceske Budejovice, Jirovcova 8


4o Gymnasio Komotinis


Istituto Comprensivo Camera


Scoala Gimnaziala Mihail Sadoveanu Braila


Naiden Gerov
