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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Schools 4.0 - Innovation in Vocational Training and Education

School: Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde

Topic(s) addressed

This pedagogical reference underscores the significance of teaching and brings together stakeholders in education, utilizing digital tools for diverse learning and soft skills.

Target group(s)

The project involved selected teachers, technicians, staff, and students based on specific areas of expertise.


The methodologies used in participant selection aimed for holistic development and motivation among students, teachers, technicians, staff, and stakeholders. They introduced non-formal learning tools like digital apps, gamification, and real-life cases, challenging and motivating even the less engaged individuals.

Innovation environment

The focus was on the school's pivotal role in transforming students and the broader community. This entails creating innovative learning and assessment environments, ensuring quality, and fostering collaboration with municipalities, companies, associations, and health, social, and environmental entities to collectively shape a strategic vision for the future. The project also prioritized structured training and human resource development.

Teachers’ role

This project thrived thanks to teachers and facilitators dedicated to reshaping vocational education and training. They prioritize adapting education to societal changes, using innovative methods and tools to ensure equal opportunities for all. Their aim is to prepare students for responsible citizenship. Educators from various subjects collaborate in creating an inclusive learning environment.

Impact and output

The introduction of innovative practices using digital technologies for green sustainability and alignment with the SDGs made this e-book a dynamic tool. It was showcased at various events, including the XV Congress of the Society of Education Sciences, SingularityU Greece 2021, and more. These achievements aligned with the European Innovative Teaching Award philosophy, demonstrating innovation, reusability, transferability, and expandability with a strong transdisciplinary dimension, making teachers and trainers proud.

Project category
  • VET schools
Project year
  • 2023



Escola Profissional Amar Terra Verde



EP RAUL DORIA - Escola Profissional do Comércio, Escritórios e Serviços do Porto - Associação Raul Dória


INSIGNARE - Associação de Ensino e Formação


EPRM - Escola Profissional de Rio Maior, Lda


KOGE Business College


DIAVIMA - Kentro Dia Viou Mathisis


EFVET - European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training
