Topic(s) addressed
The topics addressed by this project were quality assurance and inclusion (equality).
Target groups
The project’s target groups consisted of Slovenian students between the age of 16-19 who were studying to become medical technicians, and Slovenian teachers within the 25-60 age range.
Over the course of the mobility, SZLJ teachers established contact with a high school outside of Slovenia, as it was deemed that this would be useful to the education of intermediary staff working with secondary students and nurses.
The project’s focus was on increased future examination of Finland’s modular education system, with the intention of transferring said system into Slovenia in the spirit of individualisation. The emphasis here was not on the number of schooling years in either professional or vocational education, but instead on mastered modules – which each student may complete at their own pace.
Although the current learning environment remains unchanged, it may, in the future, form an integral part of the open curriculum, should the education programme be successfully transferred.
Slovenian teachers worked in close cooperation with Finnish colleagues through the use of various digital platforms in the development of new modules that could be incorporated into personalised open curricula (both teachers and students).
The project’s output is the potential future implementation of an education programme (from a partner school) during an Erasmus+ mobility project.
- Reference
- 2018-1-SI01-KA102-046782
- Project locations
- Slovenia
- Project category
- VET schools
- Project year
- 2021
Göteborg Stad Utbildning Studium
- Address
- Sweden
Gümüşhacıköy Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi
- Address
- Türkiye
Helsingin kaupunki
- Address
- Finland
Instituto de Educación Secundaria Nº 1 de Gijón
- Address
- Spain
MFR St Chamond
- Address
- France
SOSU Østjylland
- Address
- Denmark
Espoon Seudun Koulutuskuntayhtyma Omnia
- Address
- Finland
P.Stradins Medical College of the University of Latvia
- Address
- Finland
Vrij innovatief en interactief onderwijs, viio5
- Address
- Belgium