Topic(s) addressed
Learning together (inclusivity)
Creativity in using and building learning spaces
ICT - new technologies - digital competences
Cooperation between educational institutions and business
Entrepreneurial learning
Target groups
40 students
15 teachers
Local, regional and national institutions
General public
The emphasis on experiential learning, practical work and cross-curricular integration.
A multidisciplinary approach: developing mathematical, technological and digital competencies, learning about equal opportunities and inclusion.
Due to Covid-19, some activities had to be carried out virtually.
eTwinning was used for communication and dissemination.
Creating “escape rooms” as an innovative way to raise awareness about the living environments of people with special needs( e.g. “escape room” for the blind, where those who can see enter blindfolded)
All “escape rooms” are based on local stories, the students reached out to local community for information necessary for creating the “escape rooms”.
The result is an innovative contribution to the learning environment and local, regional and national communities.
The teachers’ main role as students’ mentors
Teachers of mathematics, physics, history and IT were most actively involved.
Apart from the supporting role, the teachers of the partner schools exchanged good practices with the partner schools and developed professional competencies.
The output is meant for long-term use after the project is completed.
Participants will be able to use and upgrade the acquired competencies in future projects and in the home and school environment.
Escape rooms will be used to enrich lessons in different classes. They will remain open to other educational institutions and the general public.
There is a potential for upgrading projects.
The materials, documents and presentations created in the project are available for free on the E+PRP portal and eTwinning.
- Reference
- 2018-1-SI01-KA229-047106
- Project locations
- Slovenia
- Project category
- Secondary education
- Project year
- 2022
Šolski center Slovenske Konjice – Zreče
- Address
- Slovenia
Gymnázium, Hranice
- Address
- Czechia
Gimnazija Eugena Kumicica
- Address
- Croatia