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European Innovative Teaching Award

Modernization in the field of IT - teachers

School: Stredna priemyselna skola Jozefa Murgasa


Topic(s) addressed

The project addressed cyber security, i.e. reducing risks and safeguarding systems, data, and networks. It also promoted microcontroller education to enhance teachers' programming skills and understanding of hardware and control technology.

Target group(s)

The activities involved five teachers in subjects of network technology cyber security, programming, electrical engineering and microprocessor technology.


The project implemented innovative teaching and learning approaches, promoting teacher development and integrating formal and informal education, fostering inclusive participation, and enhancing teacher skills.

Innovation environment

The project leveraged cutting-edge technology to create immersive learning environments. Emphasizing project-based learning, critical thinking, and practical skills, teachers collaborated with industry experts and facilitated international experiences. These efforts boost education quality and prepare students for future careers.

Teachers’ role

The teachers drove innovation in teaching and learning, introducing active learning, group work, and project-based methods in subjects like cyber security and microcontrollers. They personalized education, utilized technology for interactive learning, and promoted collaboration among students. This initiative enhanced interaction, personalization, and technology integration in the European Union's educational landscape.

Impact and output

The project's innovative teaching and learning processes had a significant impact. Teachers directly influenced students' knowledge, skills, and attitudes through up-to-date information and innovative approaches. Moreover, the project's effects multiplied, spilling over to other students, teachers, schools, and local communities. Best practices disseminated, expanding the impact and improving the quality of professional education.



Project category
  • VET schools
Project year
  • 2023



Stredna priemyselna skola Jozefa Murgasa



Smíchovská middle industrial school and gymnasium
