Topic(s) addressed
The project’s focus was on the promotion and development of student reading literacy through the use of new, interesting, and entertaining approaches and methods, with the project having focused on the education of school teachers so they may assist primary school students to increase their reading literacy skills in the English language. The project also assisted the school with its efforts to further its cooperation network with new schools, institutions, and international players.
Target groups
Given that this was a KA1 project, the project’s main target group initially consisted of teachers who participated in the mobilities; however, this scope was later broadened to include all of the school’s 75 primary students as well. Moreover, the acquisition of new skills allowed for the formation of an English drama club with approximately 20 members. Participants developed worksheets that could be used by the school’s future primary students, with plans made for the future inclusion of secondary school students. In addition to its cooperation with project partners, the school also worked with other Czech schools, the media, and external organisations towards the promotion of this project and the sharing of new knowledge.
The project’s primary focus was to foster reading literacy among students, with an added emphasis on the promotion of foreign languages. Material outputs that were produced by the project were shared with other schools, and the school organised meetings and seminars for individuals interested in Erasmus projects or the field of innovative language teaching. A number of versatile education approaches were engaged in this project, with the school having facilitated several meetings between its students and knowledgeable individuals focusing not only on the Czech language, but also on English literature and knowledge dissemination. Teachers also began introducing book-based lessons drawn from English fairy tales into the classroom environment through the use of new and innovative approaches. In addition to taking students to the theatre to see English plays, teachers also guided students on the setting up and use of an English-language school library, with several visits also made to local libraries where students had the opportunity to speak with librarians. Students were requested to prepare worksheets for their peers during class and English Drama Club (EDC) meetings, which were later used by teachers in their lessons. The drama club itself continues to be active, with student members having performed several plays within the school and in other regional schools during the first two years of its implementation. As participants had to create their own costumes and stage backgrounds, such plays did not only assist with language acquisition, but also with the improvement of valuable motor skills.
The project aimed to engage every facet of school life, beginning with the education of language teachers on the mobilities, the involvement of other teachers, the setting up of the English Drama Club, the participation of primary school students, as well as the anticipated involvement of secondary school students in the future. In addition to its 2019 participation in the ErasmusDays, the school created a number of workshops for students that emphasised outdoor activities. Moreover, plans are underway for the school to involve both its primary and secondary students in eTwinning projects, and the Postcrossing project – an initiative that helps members develop their language writing and comprehension skills by exchanging postcards with unknown users from all over the world.
This KA1 project focused on the development of teachers’ competences in language teaching so they may assist students in the study of foreign languages; a number of skills and competences were addressed and developed through the project including didactic, pedagogical, managerial, diagnostic, social, and prosocial considerations. Worksheets that had been developed became an integral component of school’s teaching methods, and were also published for the general public. Moreover, teachers who had participated in the mobilities organised sample lessons for other teachers where study materials were developed for the Czech language – including guidance on how to work with texts. The school had also developed a book that could be used during ‘first readings’ (aimed at pupils who are just beginning to read), which encourages children to self-reflect on their reading skills, and prepare short evaluations of the texts they read. Lastly, the school shared its acquired knowledge with interested teachers from other schools through seminars and meetings, with the project’s output also covered by the local media.
Quality assurance was ensured throughout the project’s duration, with the project having been closely monitored by the school director and the project’s assigned team. This team also regularly participated in meetings between the project’s team and the school management, with monthly meetings also organised between the project coordinator and participants. All participants ensured that everyone involved with the project was kept abreast of new developments, with the project’s implementation carefully followed by participants. During mobilities, both the project coordinator and school management received regular updates on the project’s progress via phone, e-mail, and WhatsApp. The project’s dissemination was also closely followed, and its various outcomes published on the school’s website and local newspapers. All Europasses were checked and confirmed, with the school also confirming students’ attained language levels, the management of the grant budget, and the preparation of the beneficiary report. Furthermore, a partner organisation provided monitoring and support services to mobility participants through the Shadows Professional Development coordinator. The project’s impact on the school’s first-grade students took the form of theatre visits and playful activities with books, worksheets, and reading materials, while older students were involved in a number of activities including outdoor visits and a performance in an actual theatre play, reading of simplified English books, and the preparation of worksheets, joint projects, presentations, and several other activities. Furthermore, the establishment of the EDC enabled students to rehearse simple English fairy tales, play games, prepare worksheets, and create simple sceneries as backdrop settings for plays on fairy tales. The EDC managed to increase students’ interest in English theatre, and in the playing of games in English, with a growth in interest noted among older students’ in the reading of books, which led to a positive increase in their self-confidence.
- Reference
- 2018-1-CZ01-KA101-047284
- Project locations
- Czechia
- Project category
- Primary education
- Project year
- 2021
The English Language Centre
- Address
- United Kingdom