An innovative and safe playground for our students - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

An innovative and safe playground for our students

School: Ecole maternelle de Viard


Topic(s) addressed

The project addressed the use of new technologies like eTwinning and focused on fostering entrepreneurial skills. It also offered a lesson on democracy for children and the history of education.

Target group(s)

The project addressed the nursery school pupils, 2-6 years old, as well as the teaching staff, the stakeholder representatives and the parents.


The project has driven significant changes in key skills, shifting children's attitudes towards peers and fostering informal bonds among them. This trust and camaraderie facilitate seamless cooperation within groups, while promoting learners' active role in shaping their personal development through shared guidelines for behaviour and cooperation.

Innovation environment

The learning environments were implemented following the training of playtime ambassadors. These diverse facilities acted as a driving force for this training, underscoring the necessity of establishing regulations to ensure everyone's enjoyment of the games without concerns. These regulations were subsequently integrated into various areas of learning.

Teachers’ role

The teachers served as a guide, leading the child to construct their universe while also acting as a mediator in different situations. Encouraging peer cooperation to address challenges, the teachers adapted their practices to empower the child in actively managing their relationships with others.

Impact and output

The influence on the target group has fostered personal growth and learning. Empathy experienced significant growth within the school, fostering mutual support and enhancing communication and receptiveness towards others. Due to a colleague's pregnancy, numerous substitutes engaged in the project and found its concept intriguing. Participating parents further disseminated this innovative approach, creating a ripple effect across the entire school community that enriched the learning environment.



Project category
  • Early childhood education and care
Project year
  • 2023



Ecole maternelle de Viard



Liceul teoretic “Lucian Blaga”


Ecole primaire Joseph Reimonenq, Guadeloupe


Ecole élémentaire Raphaël Cipolin, Guadeloupe
