Topic(s) addressed
Increasing students' attention to science and ecology
Developing their lifelong learning skills
Critical thinking and consciousness of European challenges
Target groups
24 primary school students 8-12 years old
16 teachers of all specializations
Active learning– to observe, explore, investigate, experiment, play, discuss and reflect
Developing SRL (self-regulated learning) activities
Mental agility– making links across the curriculum to show how economical concepts are applied in a wide range of contexts.
Creative project activities to encourage pupils’ initiative and self-management.
It is important for the project to transcend classroom walls to become engaged in real-world issues.
Promoting the relevance of studying in the classroom for the complex environmental issues, and acquiring the skills needed for problem solving.
ICT is the base of the study and is used extensively throughout the project, and the involved teachers are encouraged to learn and apply new and different pedagogical approaches.
The project promotes a bidirectional learning process among teachers and pupils.
The teachers learn and apply new and different pedagogical approaches and facilitate activities which encourage independent learning.
The teachers observe learning methods in different countries and share their opinions with their colleagues
Learning efficient use of ICT through collaboration with the project partners
The project drew attention of several media outlets.
Considering the young age of the participants and the international scope of the initiative, this project could strongly influence the organisations involved in future projects.
The project has had a positive effect on teachers and learners, partners, parents, colleagues and the local communities.
There has also been a good structure for both planning and teaching activities in between the physical meetings, which has facilitated the inclusion of learners that didn’t participate in mobilities.
- Reference
- 2017-1-DK01-KA219-034295
- Project locations
- Denmark
- Project category
- Primary education
- Project year
- 2022
- Address
- Denmark
Basakli Ortaokulu
- Address
- Türkiye
Istituto Comprensivo Statale Ignazio Buttita
- Address
- Italy
Colegio Salesianos "San Juan Bosco"
- Address
- Spain
Szent Imre Katolikus Altalanos Iskola és Jo Pásztor Ovoda, Alapfoku Múveszeti Iskola
- Address
- Hungary