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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Developing innovative e-learning materials for public education

School: XTALIN Engineering Limited


Topic(s) addressed

The project focused on topics of electronics, programming and technology.

Target group(s)

The initiative catered to the needs of general secondary school students between 15-18.


Our partnership's needs analysis drove the creation of a comprehensive secondary education curriculum. It methodically guides students from foundational math and physics through electronic device usage to mastering basic controls.

High school students often explore electronics independently but face complexity and a lack of guidance. Our innovative approach embeds practical examples in every concept, enabling hands-on learning and enhancing comprehension.

Innovation environment

Our partnership's needs analysis inspired the creation of a dynamic secondary education curriculum. It guides students from math and physics fundamentals into the world of electronics and basic controls.

High school students, often exploring technical interests independently, face complexity and limited guidance. Our innovative curriculum integrates practical examples, fostering an environment where students actively apply knowledge for deeper, hands-on learning.

Teachers’ role

The authors of the curriculum, professionals in technical fields, shared their experiences and introduced the thought processes typical of a technical career. This not only provided valuable knowledge but also highlighted the vital role of teachers.

Teachers played a pivotal role in bridging the gap between classroom learning and real-world application, nurturing the next generation of engineers and technical professionals.

Impact and output

The Hungarian chapters of the curriculum received 3,000 to 5,000 downloads, and the English chapters several hundred. Beyond our partnership, several schools launched a "Crystal Clear Electronics" course in 2020, while technical schools incorporated our chapters into their IT training.

In Târgu Mureș, the local university's Department of Electrical Engineering praised the curriculum's quality and will integrate portions into first-year student teaching. To boost quality further, we invite feedback on our website, underlining the curriculum's impactful reach.



Project category
  • Secondary education
Project year
  • 2023



XTALIN Engineering Limited



ELTE Bolyai János Gyakorló Általános Iskola és Gimnázium


Liceul Teoretic Bolyai Farkas


Gymnázium Hansa Selyeho s vyučovacím jazykom maďarským, Komárno


Nadácia Pro Ratio
