Cre@t1ve Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation - European Commission Skip to main content
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European Innovative Teaching Award
  • Project

Cre@t1ve Conflict Resolution and Peer-to-Peer School Mediation

School: 4th General Lykeion of Alimos - Makrygianneio

Topic(s) addressed

The project addressed a range of topics. These included conflict resolution, trust-building, mediation techniques, respect and responsibility, inclusion, active citizenship, and preparing for global challenges.

Target group(s)

57 teachers, 280 pupils, and a wide range of experts, stakeholders, authorities, and parents were engaged in the project over its three-year span.


The project employed methodologies like team-building and interactive, collaborative learning activities to enhance key life skills, including collaboration, interaction, involvement, equity, inclusion, well-being, ICT, and foreign language skills.

Innovation environment

The project's innovative outcomes encompassed enhanced mediation skills among students, enabling them to proficiently support peers in conflict resolution. The project also instilled a sense of belonging to the broader EU community, emphasizing diversity and unity. Opening and closing events engaged a wide range of stakeholders, promoting awareness, while effective dissemination channels included websites, social media, European platforms, an e-newsletter, and a comprehensive e-book covering theory, case studies, and good practices.

Teachers’ role

Teachers played a central role in the project, actively engaging in extensive training activities led by experts. These sessions, including seminars and workshops, commenced at the 1st Joint Staff Training Event and continued throughout the project. International activities encompassed physical and virtual mobilities, online engagements, team-building for communication and collaboration, job shadowing, mentoring, and article publications on the EU platform School Education Gateway. This teacher-led training extended into various domains beyond schools.

Impact and output

The project aimed for a lasting impact by promoting the widespread adoption of the School Mediation Method in schools to address contemporary social issues. It also sought to advocate for the recognition of mediation's importance by local and national authorities. The establishment of School Mediation Training Centers was designed to enable more teachers and students to benefit from conflict resolution education. Additionally, teachers were encouraged to adopt innovative teaching methods and actively address social challenges within the educational context, such as tension, conflict, bullying, racism, poverty, and war.




Project category
  • Secondary education
Project year
  • 2023



4th General Lykeion of Alimos - Makrygianneio



Convitto Nazionale Domenico Cirilloscuole Annesse


I.I.S. "P. Sraffa"


Newark School, Malta VI Liceum Ogolnoksztalcace im. Krola Zygmunta Augusta w Bialymstoku


Agrupamento de Escolas Dr. João Araújo Correia
